This article is talks a lot about how and what makes a photograph interesting. Talks about how now we are taking a 3D experience and making it 2D how can we maintain that same immersive experience for viewers. He talks about how photographers have to bring order to a scene but I would argue that in this class with my photo montage I brought disorder to the images that I was using for the purpose of confusing the viewer so it doesn't always have to be just one way. Photography doesn't have to bring order. What about photos that were not planned, what if you accidentally hit the button before you were ready these photos can still be very useful and can still be art while not being planned in such a way as being described. I like the idea that photographers don't create the image they select the image but I would say that you can still create different pieces with photos in regards to photo arts.
Ducky the cat and Ellie the human take on film photography