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Showing posts from December, 2021

Response to form and pressure

 This article is talks a lot about how and what makes a photograph interesting. Talks about how now we are taking a 3D experience and making it 2D how can we maintain that same immersive experience for viewers. He talks about how photographers have to bring order to a scene but I would argue that in this class with my photo montage I brought disorder to the images that I was using for the purpose of confusing the viewer so it doesn't always have to be just one way. Photography doesn't have to bring order. What about photos that were not planned, what if you accidentally hit the button before you were ready these photos can still be very useful and can still be art while not being planned in such a way as being described.  I like the idea that photographers don't create the image they select the image but I would say that you can still create different pieces with photos in regards to photo arts. 

Test strips and reflection

 So I realized that I have a ton of test strips and I need to figure out what to do with them all. I need to figure out if I want to do another art project with them or something. Here is a picture of them all:  I also just wanted to do a but of reflection from the semester. I have really enjoyed working with black and white film this semester, there are lots of things that I really liked about this class. One of the things that was challenging is that the supplies is so expensive but I don't think there is a way around that. I did a lot of my own printing for friends and family for Christmas gifts and I am really excited to see what everyone thinks.  One of the things I found interesting was the idea of fixing the pinhole photos or the 35mm photos in photo shop to take out some of the dust or other things that may have gotten on the film when really when you are thinking about film and committing to taking film photos I feel like you are committing to those blemishes and the imper

Typology assignment 6

 For my typology I sort of have been taking pictures since the beginning of the semester and I didn't have my license until pretty recently so I found myself taking pictures of my friends who were driving me around. The last picture is of me because I finally got my license and can now drive all of my friends around which is really exciting. Some of the photos came out a little bit dark but it was hard because the lighting was always different for each photo and things were moving in the background as well so it was a little bit challenging but I do like how they all turned out and it is a bunch of my lovely friends which is very exciting. 

Photo montage - assignment 5 "mind games"

 Here is my photo montage for assignment 5. It is titled mind games because looking at it it plays with your mind a little bit. What is fun about this image is that I used two very light images so I didn't even know what was in one of the pictures because I could not really see it on the contact sheet. 

Sequence, assignment 4

 I did two sequences because one of them was reliant on the weather, the first one is of three trees, one with its leaves, one without leaves and one with snow on it.  The second sequence is of my cat, she is inside then outside roaming around in the other photos.  I really enjoyed working on this project, I found waiting for the perfect weather to get the tree photos was a lot of fun.