First day of pinhole camera trials was a success. I wasn't sure if my camera would work I was worried I would need tin foil but it worked on the first try which was incredible. I am really happy with how all of them turned out, I think they are really cool. It was my first time watching film develop which was really neat. The title of my project is imperfections stay tuned to see why! Photo 1, 2 seconds: My very first pinhole photo ever (amazing!!) Outside on the 6th floor patio. I was so stoked that it worked! It was so amazing watching the developer for the first time. Photo 2, 5 seconds: In a similar spot to photo 1. Do you feel like you are shooting in a space ship, because that's the vibe I get. Photo 3, 6 seconds: Outside the same balcony over the side tho, I love the way the circle of the pinhole translates to the photo. I also love the happy little trees. Photo 4, 6 seconds: Outside on the 7th floor patio towards lamp post and bushes (obviously)...
Ducky the cat and Ellie the human take on film photography